Folder Structure

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Folder Structure


A typical installation of CodeStencil stores its data in the Documents Folder under a sub folder named "CodeStencil".




Withing this sub folder, these are the folders that exists fo different kinds of CodeStencil related data:


CodeStencil Sub Folders

oCodeNanites - The system nanites ( installed as part of CodeStencil) are installed here.

oInstall - Stencils downloaded to be installed on restart are saved here.

oLayoutSettings - Layout of Grids and Forms are saved here.

oLog - Log information is saved here.

oMRU - Setings for Most Recently used items in droplists is saved here.

oProjects - Created projects are saved in this folder.

oSchema - Schema definitions are saved here.

oStencils - Stencils are installed in this folder.